annual gift exchange
our annual activity: gift exchange! haha.. we've been doing it since 2010 (or 2011, don't remember :P) and keep going until now and then *hopefully =)
we had dinner at bendega bakery and deli *which is IMO it's a bakery ga niat. the interior is pretty, the location is superb, but the management is very poor compared with bendega restaurant. bendega bakery and deli only has one waitress, fewww cakes on display, fewww kind of breads. wiput ordered hot capucinno and it was too watery. it supposed to taste good since it's illy! hmph... but well it was okay. i had a fun gossip time with a good friend of mine. oh ya, we were the only youths at that night! the rest were families and the elderly.
she browsed the pattern. the following steps: print-cut-fold-glue. maybe it would happen only once in my lifetime. what an effort! haha.. thanks darla i really appreciated that :-*
silly faces.
enjoy the gift ok ^^
bendega bakery and deli. 27 dec 2012.